Look At This Face, Though.

Look At This Face, Though.

“What do you mean I’m too big to sit in your lap? Look at this face. Can you really be saying no to this face? How about now? Or now? What about now? I can do this all day long, you know. Your resistance is...

Dog Mom, I Thought We Were Friends?

So the puppy begged and looked so forlorn as I was eating a snack, and after about fifteen minutes, I caved and gave him a piece of the pita chip. And he held it in his mouth, and I swear to you, a thought-bubble appeared over his head that said, “Seriously? All...
Dog Mom Schooled By The Canine.

Dog Mom Schooled By The Canine.

I was quite proud that the puppy was playing fetch until I realized he’d slowly nudged me into a position where he could bring the ball “back” to me with a toss of his head and I was doing more of the work. When I caught on, I swear he smiled....

A Day in the Life of a Dog Mom.

My Wonderful, Fabulous, You’re Going To Be So Jealous Day Thus Far (it’s 9:15 a.m.): Wake up at 3:30 am from the distinct sound of a very large puppy trying to fit himself underneath the bed. Something he knows he cannot do since he’s too big....
Bane Unsupervised.

Bane Unsupervised.

“Who, me? No, it was like this already. Swearsies.” Left him unsupervised for five minutes. I’d put the pillow (which is the stuffing for his bed) up high where I thought he couldn’t reach. I was washing the cover he’d thrown up on at...