by admin | Apr 5, 2017 | PUPPY CHRONICLES
Bane: MY LADY MY LADY MY LADY… forsooth! There is an intruder! I shall protect you! Dog Mom: Forsooth? Bane: That entire collection of some old guy’s works was *delicious*. But no worries. I have the intruder on the run! Dog Mom: Do you now? Good. admin | Apr 3, 2017 | PUPPY CHRONICLES
Bane: Meh. Dog Mom: C’mon… let’s play. Bane: Yawn. meh. Dog Mom: I’ll even throw the stupid alligator. Bane: Been there, caught that. meh. Dog Mom: Fine. ::sits down at the computer::: :::opens bag of Goldfish::: Bane: MY LADY I LOVE admin | Mar 29, 2017 | PUPPY CHRONICLES
Bane: ::: walks around the corner with a slipper in his mouth, sees me, drops it and walks away quickly as if he had nothing to do with that slipper levitating into the kitchen. Dog Mom: AHA! I CAUGHT YOU! Don’t even THINK to deny it. ::: picks up the slipper, admin | Mar 15, 2017 | PUPPY CHRONICLES
Puppy: MY LADY!! STAND BACK! There is a MONSTER ABOUT TO EAT YOUR HAND!! I SHALL SAVE YOU!!!!! Dog Mom: :::turns on vacuum::: Puppy: OHMYGOD IT’S A DRAGON RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. Dog Mom: Hey! I thought you were going to protect me. Puppy: ::: peeks around admin | Feb 23, 2017 | PUPPY CHRONICLES
Puppy: BARKING LIKE THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE Dog Mom: What the? PUPPY: STAND BACK! I WILL SAVE YOU! Dog Mom: Um… Bane. That is a pile of clothes. PUPPY: THEY WILL NOT HARM YOU, MY LADY! Dog Mom: Look. A shirt. Some jeans. Socks. PUPPY: MENU ITEMS? IN ONE PILE? admin | Feb 11, 2017 | HOME DESIGN
So, I’m working on the blueprints for the back kitchen/coffee bar area, and I keep encountering one stupid column that is in the way of making it a really elegant and efficient design. So I call my husband (aka Contractor Guy) and ask: Wife: “You know that...
Hi, I'm Toni,
New Orleans-based photographer who specializes in lifestyle, architectural, and composite portraiture. Owner of Toni McGee Causey studio located in the French Quarter.
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