by admin | Jun 5, 2018 | LEARN, PHOTOGRAPHY
For beginners, shooting in manual mode can be overwhelming. Shutter speed, ISO, Exposure… those words meant nothing to me when I first started. So, I decided to create a cheat sheet that explains each of these settings for you and hopefully, you too can start...by admin | Feb 4, 2018 | NOLA life, PUPPIES OF THE FRENCH QUARTER
...by admin | Nov 13, 2017 | PUPPY CHRONICLES
Dog Mom: (tosses Puppy a treat) Puppy: (watches it hit the floor, ambles over to get it, waits for the next one – catches maybe every fourth one) Dog Mom: “Wait… what? You used to catch every single one of these! You would get so excited and snap...by admin | Oct 5, 2017 | PUPPY CHRONICLES
Day 1 Dog Mom (hides medicine in a treat): “Oh, look–would you like a treat?” Puppy: “OMYGOD YES! GIVEITTOMENOW, My LADY!” (starts to eat it – gives Dog Mom a skeptical look…) “It is… oddly crunchy My Lady, but I...by admin | Aug 16, 2017 | PUPPY CHRONICLES
Big Puppy says to (visiting) Little Puppy: Wanna have some fun? Watch this. (adopts seriously guilty look) Little Puppy: Wait… What are you doing? You didn’t do anything wrong! Big Puppy: I know. Watch… (Dog Mom comes up the stairs, looks at him and...
Hi, I'm Toni,
New Orleans-based photographer who specializes in lifestyle, architectural, and composite portraiture. Owner of Toni McGee Causey studio located in the French Quarter.
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